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Florverde: Colombian Growers' Commitment to our Workers and our Natural Resources
Florverde is a unique certification to ensure all flowers grown and harvested in Colombia meet specific social and environmental standards. This program was started ten years ago by a forward looking group of Colombian flower growers to insist on a common level of best practices that would improve the lives and living standards of all floral farm workers and their families. In addition to establishing social benchmarks, Florverde® standards preserve and protect the rich soil and natural resources for the industry's farmers for generations to come and satisfy global demand and desire for high-quality, affordable flowers year round. In 2003, independent verification by SGS Group, a global leader in inspection, verification, testing and certification, was implemented to assure our customers and consumers that these standards were being met.
For more information please visit
Save the Children
Save the Children is the leading independent organization creating lasting change in the lives of children in need in the United States and around the world. Recognized for their commitment to accountability, innovation and collaboration, their work takes them into the heart of communities, where they help children and families help themselves.
For more information about regarding the Save the Children Organization, please visit
Breast Cancer Awareness
Nancy G. Brinker promised her dying sister, Susan G. Komen, that she would do everything in her power to end breast cancer forever.
In 1982, that promise became Susan G. Komen for the Cure and launched the global breast cancer movement. Today, Komen for the Cure is the world's largest grassroots network of breast cancer survivors and activists fighting to save lives, empower people, ensure quality care for all and energize science to find the cures.
For more information regarding the Susan G. Komen Foundation, please visit
American Heart Association
The American Heart Association is a national voluntary health agency whose mission is: "Building healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke." Support research, education, and community programs leading the fight against America’s No. 1 killer, cardiovascular disease.
For more information about the American Heart Association, please visit
Fair Trade
Fair Trade Certified ensures that flowers are used from Fair Trade Certified farms. The farm workers are given the opportunity to invest in the development the of their communities, better the schooling of their children and work in an environment which uses sustainable farming methods.
For more information please visit
Our Associations
The Association of Floral Importers of Florida has represented the interests of the South Florida fresh-cut flower importers since its inception in 1982. AFIF Members account for approximately 80% of the sales volume of Miami importers.
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Society of America Florists is the only national trade association that represents all segments of the U.S. floral industry. More than 15,000 members are the industry's top retailers, growers, wholesalers, importers, manufacturers, suppliers, educators, students and allied organizations. SAF is the face and voice of a strong, unified floral industry.
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Wholesale Florist & Florist Supplier Association is the one — and only — common voice for wholesale floral distribution. They understand the challenges facing wholesale distributors and suppliers in today's fluid market. Their news, programs and events will provide the solutions and guidance your business demands, now and in the future.
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The Colombian Exporter Association of Flowers(ASOCOLFLORES), represents flower growers that handle more than 75% of the total exports of flowers from Colombia.
Produce Marketing Association is the leading global trade association serving the entire produce and floral supply chains by enhancing the marketing of produce, floral, and related products and services worldwide. PMA members are buyers and sellers from every segment of the produce and floral supply chain.
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